Forum Discussion
You said,
You said, " Escalation QB record id matches the Network Escalation record id"
Don't you need a reference field in the table that matches the other application? If you are actually comparing the RID of one table and the RID of another table, they will almost never match.
Here is the YAML. I changed a few things for privacy.
# Update DNT Escalation QuickBase
# Account slugs:
# - quickbase[123generic]: Realm Default Account <None>
name: Update DNT Escalation QuickBase
enabled: true
- TRIGGER quickbase[123generic] record on_update -> a:
- AND:
- 'liaison_closed_date set '
export_fields: '"Liaison Closed Date, Liaison Comments, DNT Record ID" <11,
12, 6>'
table: '"Dental Network Operations: DNT Escalations" <123generic>'
trigger_fields: '"Liaison Closed Date" <11>'
- QUERY quickbase[123generic] record search -> b:
- AND:
- id equals {{a.dnt_record_id}}
export_fields: '"Liaison Comments, Liaison Date Closed" <167, 168>'
table: '"DNT Escalation: DNT Escalation" <123generic>'
- b<>LOOP:
- DO:
- b<>ACTION quickbase record update -> c:
liaison_comments: '{{b.liaison_comments}}'
liaison_date_closed: '{{b.liaison_date_closed}}'