Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Cadet
Hey Mark,
Thanks for taking the time to look at this and I appreciate the alternate solution idea. It is a possibility.
We don't allow the end user's to delete records, though I am looking to build in a cancel/remove button functionality which would operate in the same way as what you are getting at.
For my app, it would probably make most sense to have that button on the A record. My concern with a button is for it to finish running the copy/recreate before landing them on the newly created A record.
How do you envision this button workflow operating? Would it trigger a pipeline?
I'm familiar with both a formula and pipeline solution based on what you are getting at so you can just give me a relatively high-level idea. But as I mentioned, based on my past experiences I'm concerned about the runtime.
Thank you!
Curtis Middleton
Thanks for taking the time to look at this and I appreciate the alternate solution idea. It is a possibility.
We don't allow the end user's to delete records, though I am looking to build in a cancel/remove button functionality which would operate in the same way as what you are getting at.
For my app, it would probably make most sense to have that button on the A record. My concern with a button is for it to finish running the copy/recreate before landing them on the newly created A record.
How do you envision this button workflow operating? Would it trigger a pipeline?
I'm familiar with both a formula and pipeline solution based on what you are getting at so you can just give me a relatively high-level idea. But as I mentioned, based on my past experiences I'm concerned about the runtime.
Thank you!
Curtis Middleton
Qrew Legend
3 years agoOne way would be to use the built in Copy Master Detail wizard button maker which is located on the App Management page. This can also be done with a URL
Select Copy the "Project" or whatever your A table is called and then just specify which relationship you want children copied. Post back if you get stuck.
As for deleting, you could have a checkbox called deletion requested, and then a Pipeline run when that field was checked and perhaps some other conditions were true such as the date created = date modified of the parent record (meaning that the parent had never been edited, or perhaps only for children created today.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Select Copy the "Project" or whatever your A table is called and then just specify which relationship you want children copied. Post back if you get stuck.
As for deleting, you could have a checkbox called deletion requested, and then a Pipeline run when that field was checked and perhaps some other conditions were true such as the date created = date modified of the parent record (meaning that the parent had never been edited, or perhaps only for children created today.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
- JeremyMyer3 years agoQrew TraineeMark, maybe off topic, happy to create a different post on this... but have you had any success implementing the "copy master detail" process into a pipeline? I've been picking away at it and can't seem to make it work; this thread jogged my memory.
What I'm trying to do, is copy an existing record with children, and apply it to a new parent record. I have a button launching a miniform, select the child to copy. This triggers a pipeline which will in theory copy master detail, then find that new record, and change a few fields to relate it to the new parent.
I'm trying to use the QuickbaseAPI -> Make request as shown, hacking up the parts of the generated code to attempt to get the end result. Pipeline runs successfully, but no new record is created...Thoughts/advice?
Jeremy Myer
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
Can you clarify this?
What I'm trying to do, is copy an existing record with children, and apply it to a new parent record.
I don't understand about the parent record. Which process is creating the new parent record, the copy master detail or is the user creating the parent manually and they want to copy children from another Parent. Why can't you just use a regular copy master detail formula URL button to do this?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- JeremyMyer3 years agoQrew TraineeHey Mark, sure, although I have solved this problem this morning, maybe it helps someone else out down the road.
The short answer to your question is the latter, the user creating the parent manually and they want to copy children from another Parent
I have Parent record #3, it currently has children 3a, 3b, 3c. the children have children and so on. "Copy Master detail" of 3c creates 'copy of 3c'. What I need to do, very invisibly to the user, is change the related parent "3" to a new parent 9, and rename it 9a. So I wanted, in an easy way for non-technical folks, and without the ability to really mess things up, was a pipeline to do this.
I can't use the always import from a specific record option, as I need it to be super flexible, it's not always the same original template.
In the real world situation, we do testing on products as part of a project. For a new <parent>project, I need the ability to recall any test ever done, and recycle the <children>test steps, the <children>widgets used, other <children>parts of the old test. So the user creates the new project, then goes to the 'copy an old test' and picks the old test from the list of old tests. I considered the idea of templating these tests, but aborted on that as just too cumbersome to keep up to date, when the users are creating new tests all the time. So we came to this solution. Maybe not elegant, but saves a lot of time re-creating stuff. Pipeline is below, I just needed to move one bit from the body to the header.
***If anybody has a different solution for this, I'd love to hear it***
Jeremy Myer
- Curtis_M3 years agoQrew CadetThanks Mark. Never knew this wizard existed. I usually create my formulas from scratch, so I appreciate the knowledge.
As for the the formula itself, the code is slightly different than what I'm familiar with. If I want to modify the formula to leave certain fields blank (Example: We have a checkbox we still want them to manually check after reviewing their request before submitting), would I add that in at the end of this section like other rich text formulas? First is the original section and second is my proposed modification (underlined):
'&relfids=11©Fid=27&destrid=0&sourcerid=" & [Record ID#] & "'
so it might say something like:
'&relfids=11©Fid=27&destrid=0&sourcerid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_86=false" & "'
Curtis Middleton
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
ah no, you cannot blank out fields on the fly with that API. It's not ab supported parameter. You would need to trigger a pipeline to blank out the fields. But it would need to know that the children records were auto created somehow so it knew which ones to blank out.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- Curtis_M3 years agoQrew CadetDarn! Fortunately, I wouldn't need to blank out any info on the B (child) records. Only a couple fields on the A (parent) record. What I may do, though it's not as quick and intuitive as I'd like, is have the button recreate the record and simultaneously trigger a pipeline emailing them a link to their newly created A record.
Curtis Middleton