Forum Discussion

ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
Qrew Captain
3 years ago

Pipeline to create Sharepoint folders

Hey everyone, I'm in need of some help formatting a pipeline to create/update Sharepoint folders. Is there good documentation anywhere on it? I haven't found much more than general information on the channel yet. I'm trying to format the file path properly. Basically things are formatted in our sharepoint as proposals\year\client\job. So I need the pipeline to search folders to see if there's an existing folder for a year, then client, and then create itself a path and new folder if there aren't. I'm assuming that each layer of the file path is a separate step in the pipeline? 

Thank you!

Elena Larrabee

5 Replies

  • Sadly there aren't many resources for the non-Quickbase channels.

    I'm gathering these for myself and may one day put together a document for others to reference for specific 'non-Quickbase' channels like SharePoint.

    I haven't had a lot of success querying on the Path, the Web URL seems more reliable.

    Below is the structure/approach I would use which assumes your first step is a trigger where the Year, Client, and Job information are populated.

    PLEASE NOTE: I won't be able to help you troubleshoot, but hopefully this will get you started on the right path.

    When testing I find it helpful to create mini-pipelines with just the search step, where I delete the 'For Each - Do' loop. Then run the pipeline with my criteria to make sure I'm getting back what I would expect. This way I can adjust until it's just right without worrying about the rest of the pipeline or creating a lot of trigger records.

    Please let me know if this was helpful 👍

    Quick Base Junkie
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Sharon, I like your low tech excel sheet method to planing out a Pipeline.  I tend to do most of my native Quickbase work "on the fly", but since we can't natively insert steps in Pipelines or change the trigger, it make more sense to be more "planful".

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • ElenaLarrabee1's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Thank you so so much! After a ton of trial and error yesterday, this is basically what I have set up... The issue I'm running into though is that the pipeline just gives me an error message whenever it encounters an "empty list" of folders. It tells me that one of the arguments is invalid, but when I test it where I know all the folders exist it works just fine. Have you experienced this? I have a support ticket open on it, but I wonder if it's a common issue. 

      Elena Larrabee
      • JeremyMyer's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Elena, I have a similar issue, albeit in Box instead of Sharepoint.  If I have a pipeline step of create a folder, and a follow up step of create a subfolder, it the quickness of pipelines doesn't acknowledge that parent folder exists *yet.  I'm curious if adding a pause (5 min or something will help your pipeline work...) it does for mine.    Just something to try.


        Jeremy Myer