Forum Discussion

MalcolmMcDonald's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Pipeline to import an .xlsx from a watched folder in OneDrive

Hello QB Folks!

I've done a bunch of looking around, and can't see an out-of-the-box solution.

I get a couple of excel files (in .xlsx) a day that I load into specially-set up staging tables in my quickbase.  From there, I have pipelines moving the data into other parts of my app.

I'd love to figure out how to drop the file into a watch folder in OneDrive, and have the rows loaded as-is into my staging tables. I can see the OneDrive pipeline, but it doesn't seem to have a function to process the contents of a file.

Malcolm McDonald
  • I'm trying to sort out the similar thing. If you can use a CSV I think you can sync to dropbox or Box, but I'm not sure about oneDrive.

    I know @Juiced Tech has some add-ons that possibly can help with this type of thing. But I'd be curious to find out if you come up with a native solution.

    Mike Tamoush