Forum Discussion

RyanPeart's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Pipelines - Select 20 Most Recent Records


I am trying to schedule a pipeline that will query the 20 most recent records from a table sorted in descending order by a date lookup field. But when I try to use the Search Records function from the QuickBase channel, there isn't a way to sort records and then select the 20 most recent records. Is there a way this can be done in QuickBase Pipelines?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT 10/25/21 

I was able to perform the query using the Fetch JSON step. That is where you can specify the sorting order using a "sortBy". Then you can add an option to select the top 20 from the sorted list. After fetching my JSON, I needed to iterate over the JSON records in order for them to be readable/usable in the rest of the pipeline.

Ryan Peart
Database Analyst
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