Forum Discussion

JonathanAlbert's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Populating a Multiple Choice field from limited data set from a different table

I have a table for our Project Team and that consist of 3 Roles: PM, DE, BA.  There are about 100 entries on this table, with fields for Name, Email, Role
In my main Application table, I'd like to have the user assign a PM to the Project Manager field, a DE to the Data Engineer field and a BA to the Business Analyst field.  I can use a relationship to bring the entire Project Team table eam listing into each multiple choice dropdown field, but is there a way to only display the Role=PM in the Project Manager dropdown field, only Role=DE to the Data Engineer dropdown field, etc?

Jonathan Albert
  • If I've understood correctly, I think you'd want to create different reports for each of those roles - a PM report that filters to include only PMs, a DE report for DEs and a BA report for BAs - and then select the appropriate report in the form settings for each dropdown. The PM dropdown field would use the PM report etc.

    Jeremy Anson
    • JonathanAlbert's avatar
      Qrew Member
      No, I'm not trying to do any reporting.  This is all for data entry on the Application Table.
      On the Application Table, I have many fields, 3 of which are:
      1) DE - Text - Multiple Choice
      2) BA - Text - Multiple Choice
      3) PM - Text - Multiple Choice

      Rather than have the users manually type people names into those fields, I have those fields connected to the Project Team table using a Relationship. 
      The Project Team table has these fields:
      1) Name
      2) Email
      3) Role
      However, the only way I see to make the connection is to bring in all names on the Project Team table rather than just the Role I want for each field.

      For example, in the Application table, for the multiple choice field for DE, I want the drop down to only show those names from the Project Team table that have a Role=DE.


      Jonathan Albert
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        @Jonathan Albert  You need to do what Jeremy suggested. 
        Make a report of just those Teams members in the Role = DE.  Then edit the form properties to have the form use that filtered report for the drop down field as opposed to the default "Record Picke fields"​

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)