Hola Francisco,
There are various ways to design and implement this based on your business goals. Here are a few ideas:
Simple Formula
You could create a "Formula User" field and determine this "flat" on the parent record, something like:
If (
[Phase] = "Your Phase",
[Phase] = "Your Other Phase",
// Insert additional Phase logic here …
// Default
Child Records
Better architecture may be to create child records representing each Project Phase and store the Assignee as a User (not Formula User) there. For example, one Project may have many Permits … and each Permit may have an Assignee (or Project Manager).
Delegation Chain
Another approach would be to create a "People" table where you would enter your Project Managers and (optionally) associate them to a Quickbase User (via a User field). Then, create a many-to-many relationship between People and Projects. So three tables:
- Projects
- PeopleProject
- People
Then, instead of a User dropdown field, you'd create records in the PeopleProject pivot table to maintain history of who was assigned and when.
Typically, some combination of these three models have worked in my experience. Especially, if you add the ability to "override" an Assignee in the User Formula.
As Marcelo advised, having a solid diagram of your business workflow is invaluable!
Brian Seymour