Forum Discussion

FranciscoOjeda's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Project Management

Hi, I am starting my new application for project management.

My application is needed to follow the different stages of the project and to assign the job/project to each worker depending on the stage.

I have different work areas with different stages of the job for each one. Actually, they use the KanBan view in other application to do this.

How do you recomend me to do this? It is possible to make only one field of stage that contains all the stages of all of the areas or how you would recomend me to do this? I need help for best practices!


Francisco Ojeda
  • Hello Francisco. My comments will based on   24 years experienced how software developer. 

    The big risk with low code tools is when missing a good analysis and data design. 

    Some times the user begin to create tables with redundant data, missing relationship data, etc ..

    The most important is that you have a good analysis and MER diagram before starting to create your app.

    I will happy help you.

    PD. Do you speak Spanish?

    Marcelo Benavides
    • FranciscoOjeda's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thank you.

      Yes, I speak spanish!

      I will respond in english in order to let anyone read this.

      I know the importance of the previous analysis of the required information, tables and their relationship. I am working on that but, at the same time, I am trying to figure out how I can design the app in order to follow the process. Thats why i asked this.

      thank you!

      Francisco Ojeda
      • MarceloBenavide's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        Hi. Sounds good. The use case and users process will be the best way. I'm at your commands. 

        I wish success  in this project.

        Marcelo Benavides Cel. 718 795 80 28

        Marcelo Benavides
  • BrianSeymour's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    Hola Francisco,

    There are various ways to design and implement this based on your business goals. Here are a few ideas:

    Simple Formula
    You could create a "Formula User" field and determine this "flat" on the parent record, something like:

    If (
        [Phase] = "Your Phase", 
        [Phase] = "Your Other Phase", 
        // Insert additional Phase logic here …
        // Default

    Child Records
    Better architecture may be to create child records representing each Project Phase and store the Assignee as a User (not Formula User) there. For example, one Project may have many Permits … and each Permit may have an Assignee (or Project Manager).

    Delegation Chain
    Another approach would be to create a "People" table where you would enter your Project Managers and (optionally) associate them to a Quickbase User (via a User field). Then, create a many-to-many relationship between People and Projects. So three tables:

    • Projects
    • PeopleProject
    • People

    Then, instead of a User dropdown field, you'd create records in the PeopleProject pivot table to maintain history of who was assigned and when.

    Typically, some combination of these three models have worked in my experience. Especially, if you add the ability to "override" an Assignee in the User Formula.

    As Marcelo advised, having a solid diagram of your business workflow is invaluable!

    Brian Seymour