Question regarding relationships
I am trying to pull information in from an employee table to auto fill on my form once the employee name is selected.
I have successfully pulled in the employee number, employee name, email, phone number, manager ID, and second line manager ID with my first relationship.
I am needing to pull additional information back from the table once this information prefills.
Specifically, once the manager ID and Second line manager ID prefill, I need it to loop back to the employee table and use those IDs to look up the phone numbers for the manager IDs.
(Essentially the phones numbers are only listed by employee, so I would need to take the manager and 2nd manager ID from the first relationship and pull in their phones numbers based on the Employee ID on the employee table)
Every time I try to add another relationship to take the Manager ID and look up the phone number, my data pulls back empty. If I delete the secondary relationship, my manager IDs pull back fine.
What am I doing wrong!?!?