Forum Discussion

JenniferJuhasz's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Quickbase Automation to WordPress Event-Manager Plugin

Hi all,

I'm still working my way through Quickbase orientation and university; a lot to learn, but unfortunately I need to jump a few levels and try to figure out a solution to connecting Quickbase to a wordpress website - Event Manager plugin to import the event & registration data within the next month .

I think I need a JSON Handler to do this, but I've never done it; or a webhook?.  I was wondering if any of you have, and if so, have any tips or guidance to help me dig into this?  

If this doesn't work, then I'll instead work with just a .CSV download/sync file process, but that's a bit clunkier, and our events are growing in number and volume (we currently hold 20-30 events/month, and I need to build exportable reports for our funders).

Thoughts? And thank you in advance.  

Take care,


Jennifer Juhasz
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