Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Recommendation on best way to create hierarchy between client contacts

I had a user request a good feature for my app.  They want to be able to pull a report on a contact showing all of the projects they are associated with.  This way if they are meeting with a client they can show them an activity sheet of all active projects.

However, they also want this to be work up the hierarchy.  For example lets say we have a team of (3) people.  Mark is in charge of the entire east coast and Jeff, Ashley, and Jim all report to Mark.  

If I pull a report on Jeff's projects I only want to see his.  If I pull a report on Mark I want to see any direct projects Mark is working on in addition to Jeff, Ashley, and Jim since they all report to Mark.

So I am thinking I need to take my contacts table and make a relationship to itself with a field.  In this case on Mark as the contact I could add his direct reports in the one to many relationship and pull the data.  Or should I be creating a field somehow on the contact to identify the supervisor so on Jeff's contact page I would select Mark as his boss.

Once I get the relationship right I am assuming it is a straight forward report but wasnt 100% sure I am going about it the right way.

Ivan Weiss
  • Ivan,

    If I understand correctly, it sounds like you have a couple of many to many table situations.

    1. Many Contacts can have many Supervisors, and many Supervisors can have many Direct Reports
      1. Mark could report to both Larry, VP of Sales, and Cindy, VP of Operations
    2. Many Direct Reports can have many Projects, and many Projects can have many Direct Reports working on them
      1. Trucking Accounts can be worked on by Mark and Ashley, and Ashley can be working on Trucking Accounts and Baseball Accounts

    With many to many relationships, a "join" table might be more appropriate than relating a table to itself. For example, maybe you would have a "Supervisor Direct Reports" table to track hierarchies, and a "Employee Projects" table to track which employees are on which projects.

    Evan Westbrook
    PRIME Developer
    Harder Mechanical Contractors Inc.
    Portland OR
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Evan, thanks for the response!  not quite right though.  I am not referring to an internal hierarchy.  I am referring to a client hierarchy.  For example our largest client has the following Hierarchy:

      • President of the Division
      • Multiple Regional Vice Presidents reporting to the President
      • Multiple District Managers reporting to each Regional Vice President
      • Multiple General Managers reporting to each District Manager

      So in essence a pyramid type of setup with (4) layers.  If I pick any contact towards the top of the list I should be able to see all of their opportunities underneath them.

      So if I view the President, I see the entire pyramid.  If I pick a RVP I get the DM and GM opportunities reporting up to that RVP, etc.

      Ivan Weiss
      • EvanWestbrook's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        Thanks for the clarification. I'm going to assume your client list table is called "Clients."

        I think an additional table to track hierarchies is still the direction you want to go (maybe a separate table for each hierarchy step if it's going to remain fairly static.) If you relate Clients to Clients, you'll have to add a new table relationship for each additional field (not fun.) Having Parent records automatically know their Children or Grandchildren could get tricky, but once you figure that out, it will be simpler to manage.

        From there, you can set up report links to display the information your form. Lookup fields counting the total # of Child records for each hierarchy step can then feed form rules to display different aspects of the Client form.

        Evan Westbrook
        PRIME Developer
        Harder Mechanical Contractors Inc.
        Portland OR