& "&z=" & Rurl() //This bit of magic will always return you to where you launched?? Can be used any time, or there are specific scenarios? This is used after a manual Add Record function. The system needs to know where to land the user after they Save, on the newly created record in view mode? ... Or where the user was when they launched, for example typically a Parent form record or a report.
"&rdr=" & URLEncode(URL) //This seems to be the most literal version. You simply tell it exactly where to redirect? And can be used for nested redirects? Yes this is what we use for nested redirects. The last rdr needs to land the user on a record or a report or a Home Page.
//Below: this javascript seems to return you from where you launched? How does it differ from the first bit of code, and when do you use this javascript versus the first magic code? This will execute a single URL call (not nested) and refers whatever page you are on.
"javascript:" &
"$.get('" &
$URL &
"',function(){" &
"location.reload(true);" &
& "void(0);"
There is also "&NextURL=". That is like & "&z=" & Rurl() except rather than going back to where you came from, you control where to land the user after the save. So it as also user after an Add Record URL.
There is also this which will execute a single URL and do a quiet fade away pop up message as opposed to refreshing the page.
"javascript:" &
"$.get('" &
$url &
"',function(){" &
"$.jGrowl('This Item has been put on PO CANCEL snooze', {life: 5000, theme: 'jGrowl-green'});" &
"});" &
Lastly there is this code to refresh the page after a 2 second delay (you set the time) to give Automations time to run.
// slow refresh
"javascript:" &
"$.get('" &
$URL &
"',setTimeout(function(){" &
"location.reload(true);" &
& "void(0);"
And lastly for completeness if you nest URLs or use the &NextURL they need to be successively URLEncoded. So you slice off enough of that salami as you need. The &NextURL would only need the two slices as the first will be the Add Record API and then the &NextURL would follow.
& "&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLTWO)
& URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLTHREE))
& URLEncode(URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLFOUR)))
& URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLFIVE))))
& URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLSIX)))))
& URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode(URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($URLSEVEN))))))
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach