Forum Discussion

JadAl-Ashkar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Relating a field from one table to another for summary report

I realize this question has been asked several times over here, but I can't quite wrap my head around how to take one of the existing solutions and apply it to my situation.  Sorry for the duplication.


I have 2 tables with a parent child relationship, 1 parent to many child entries.

Running a summary report from the child table to summarize various fields in the child table entries for a date range.

The date of the child table entries resides within the child table entries

In a child table entry, we make a reference to a parent table entry.  We'll call that field Related Parent Entry.


The problem I'm having is trying to get a unique count of Related Parent Entries into my summary report from the child table.  The summary report can easily count how many entries have a Related Parent Entry value, but they're not unique. 


I've also tried simply adding a category for the Related Parent Entry, but what the user really wants is a column with this count of unique values, not the actual values or an extra sorting/category of these values.


Any suggestion for getting a count of unique Related Parent Entry values into the child table report?  Thank you.  

6 Replies

  • Are you just trying to count the distinct children?

    For example the 4 stooges like Curly Larry Moe, and another Moe and more would result in a count of 3.

    If so use the new Summary feature type called �Count Distinct�. It�s there in the drop down list when you AR making your susual summary fields.
  • Thank you for the quick reply.  Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do.  Count unique parent table references from the child table entries.  10 child table entries that only have 5 unique parent values should show '5'.

    The feature you're referring to, do you mean where I normally create a summary field in the table relationship?  Here:
    If so, I don't have that new feature for Count Distinct.  I just have Total, Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Standard Deviation.

    I've also looked through the functions available when creating a calculated column, but I don't see any sort of 'distinct' or 'unique' function there.
  • Its seems impossible that your drop down list of types of summary fields does not include Count Distinct.  It is not a feature that is restricted to certain plans.  Try making a brand new summary field.

    If you still do not see that choice right after Combined Text,  you will need to put in a support ticket.

    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      That seems impossible. Is support saying that your plan does not include those features?  It's not an advanced feature that costs more, so I don't understand,
  • It's possible because my organization is using its own implementation of QB, not the cloud version. As such we have not upgraded to the current capabilities, so these 2 summary options are not available to us.

    I'm not certain when the update will occur, until then I need to try to find a workaround to use indefinitely.