Forum Discussion

SaviNewman1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Reoccuring Tasks


Below is a YouTube of something I want to do so badly for one of my tables, and I cannot figure out how to configure it to my tables. 
The examples he provided are tailored to his table.

Please help! 
I have reached out to QuickBase support as well, and they've been trying to do something for over a month, it is something I need sooner than later, and this is exactly the way I want it, I just can't read the code well enough.


Newman, Savi

3 Replies

  • What's the problem you are having?   Where is it failing?

    Jeff Peterson
    • SaviNewman1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      When I paste these codes, it works! but then it kicks me out because I am not a user to his table "ABC...." whatever it's called.

      I need it tailored to MY apps, MY tables.
      And I have no idea how to do that.

      Newman, Savi
    • SaviNewman1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      When I paste these codes, it works! but then it kicks me out because I am not a user to his table "ABC...." whatever it's called.

      I need it tailored to MY apps, MY tables.
      And I have no idea how to do that.

      Newman, Savi