Report Formula - Combine some, exclude some, and include others.
I have a field [Types]. there can be A, B, C, D, E, or F.
I need a summary report about these [Types] but the output needs to show, A, B, C+D, and exclude E and F. I'm using filters to exclude E and F.
So I'm trying to use the Report Formula to create a new field [Performance] and using an If statement to say:
if( [Type]="A","A", [Type]="B","B", [Type]="C","G", [Type]="D","G")
The hope was that by renaming C and D to G, it would add those counts together when I add this Report Formula to the Column Group. but its only adding "C" not "D". Is this possible and I just have the wrong formula, or am I just going about this all the wrong way?
Is this report formula being used in a summary report? What if you use the Case() function instead? Does this produce the desired output?
Case( [Type], "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "G", "D", "G" )