Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Legend
I think the easiest way to do this is to make a new formula field to calculate the month number.
Month([my date field])
Then for that summary report you would just have the Rows being the date grouped by Year and the columns being that calculated month number.
The chart you should be able to set the Y axis as the Month # and then set the "Series" as the Year - you will probably need to create a calculated field for the Year like
Year([my date field])
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Month([my date field])
Then for that summary report you would just have the Rows being the date grouped by Year and the columns being that calculated month number.
The chart you should be able to set the Y axis as the Month # and then set the "Series" as the Year - you will probably need to create a calculated field for the Year like
Year([my date field])
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- ChristineKirk3 years agoQrew CadetThanks Mark! I have not used formula fields at all.... where's the best place to learn how to do this? I know how to create a field and use rules to throw the response as desired.... but have not yet unearthed formulas as a function!
Christine Kirk
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years agoQrew Legend@Sharon Faust a.k.a The Quickbase Junkie has a great set of training tools and she is a lively communicator. She puts out a bunch of free stuff and then sells others. That is the best way to have fun while you learn and she is soooo enthusiastic about Quickbase. (So am I, in person, but she is on video!).
The other source of training is Quickbase University, there is about a zillion short videos as you work through the different modules and you can learn that way but the presentation is a little more dry.
But just to answer the question about using the formula to calculate the Month number (ie from 1-12) you would just create a new field where the type is formula numeric.
The formula would be, for example.
Month([my date field])
The formula builder box does has a drop down that takes you to a list of functions with a little bit of help text but a better reference to bookmark is here.
The functions are quite similar to Excel.
Then there are many of us on this form that can help you with more tricky formulas. Our motto is if you can say it we can do it. But you have to be able to say clearly what you want the formula to do.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ChristineKirk3 years agoQrew CadetThank you, thank you!! I was working with a Formula - Date field, which is why I keep getting syntax errors I imagine.
Very much appreciated on all of the above! I am also quite enthusiastic about QB. Having transitioned our program from a subcontractor company to our existing company, rebuilding our program from the ground up with QB as the new added tool, it has been an amazing experience; in three months' time, I've learned so much about QB, and built an incredibly powerful platform for the program we run. Honestly, I'm inspired to the max and would love to continue in this exact direction for the rest of my career :). I've found QB Junkie for a few things - there's so much nuance, sometimes it's tough to find a video on the exact thing you're looking for.
Anyway - much appreciated!
Christine Kirk