Forum Discussion
Qrew Cadet
Thanks Mark! I have not used formula fields at all.... where's the best place to learn how to do this? I know how to create a field and use rules to throw the response as desired.... but have not yet unearthed formulas as a function!
Christine Kirk
Christine Kirk
3 years agoQrew Legend
@Sharon Faust a.k.a The Quickbase Junkie has a great set of training tools and she is a lively communicator. She puts out a bunch of free stuff and then sells others. That is the best way to have fun while you learn and she is soooo enthusiastic about Quickbase. (So am I, in person, but she is on video!).
The other source of training is Quickbase University, there is about a zillion short videos as you work through the different modules and you can learn that way but the presentation is a little more dry.
But just to answer the question about using the formula to calculate the Month number (ie from 1-12) you would just create a new field where the type is formula numeric.
The formula would be, for example.
Month([my date field])
The formula builder box does has a drop down that takes you to a list of functions with a little bit of help text but a better reference to bookmark is here.
The functions are quite similar to Excel.
Then there are many of us on this form that can help you with more tricky formulas. Our motto is if you can say it we can do it. But you have to be able to say clearly what you want the formula to do.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
The other source of training is Quickbase University, there is about a zillion short videos as you work through the different modules and you can learn that way but the presentation is a little more dry.
But just to answer the question about using the formula to calculate the Month number (ie from 1-12) you would just create a new field where the type is formula numeric.
The formula would be, for example.
Month([my date field])
The formula builder box does has a drop down that takes you to a list of functions with a little bit of help text but a better reference to bookmark is here.
The functions are quite similar to Excel.
Then there are many of us on this form that can help you with more tricky formulas. Our motto is if you can say it we can do it. But you have to be able to say clearly what you want the formula to do.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- ChristineKirk3 years agoQrew CadetThank you, thank you!! I was working with a Formula - Date field, which is why I keep getting syntax errors I imagine.
Very much appreciated on all of the above! I am also quite enthusiastic about QB. Having transitioned our program from a subcontractor company to our existing company, rebuilding our program from the ground up with QB as the new added tool, it has been an amazing experience; in three months' time, I've learned so much about QB, and built an incredibly powerful platform for the program we run. Honestly, I'm inspired to the max and would love to continue in this exact direction for the rest of my career :). I've found QB Junkie for a few things - there's so much nuance, sometimes it's tough to find a video on the exact thing you're looking for.
Anyway - much appreciated!
Christine Kirk
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years agoQrew LegendRe: Career.
A couple of observations. In the global world of programmers I think the statistics show that it's about 90% male. But in the universe of Quickbase developers it's pretty much 50/50. An important part about being successful with QuickBase is not only the technical side but also really understanding the user's needs. I personally feel that maybe women have a softer side to them and have more empathy for the users or maybe are better listeners or maybe are just more detail oriented, or maybe that the platform is just more approachable ... not sure why, but its 50-50.
Also Quickbase can be a really great career path in a company. Often there is almost no one at a company that understands the whole corporate workflow. When you are Quickbase developer do you typically get to cross all the corporate boundaries between sales and marketing and operations and finance and accounting and you may be the only one who really understands how all the pieces fit together. So it can actually be quite a great career path within a company as you also end up being the person that can fix everyone else's problems. So everyone will love you.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------ - QuickBaseJunkie3 years agoQrew Captain
@Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach) Thanks for the shoutout! Always much appreciated.
@Christine Kirk I'm so glad you've found my resources, in case you didn't come across this one (below), it is specific to creating YOY charts. There is no video, so it's not as easy to find online.
Quick Base Junkie
Quick Base Junkie
------------------------------- ChristineKirk3 years agoQrew CadetThank you Sharon! Very helpful!
Thank you also Mark! Yes, I agree. I work in telehealth, and previously we were with a startup company. About 95% of the company was male, and I would say 100% of our dev team.
It's funny, I knew I loved QB the second I completed the QB university. I excelled at logic and have a passion for that kind of thinking, and am now finding that my forte is in kind of systems thinking. You do cross over all of the various elements and how they fold together. I'm fortunate to have had a career change with the pandemic, and with that, a promotion to the director of operations for our program, so have had the wonderful career fortune/opportunity to be in the driver's seat to rebuild this. Now, other programs within our division are seeking me out to help build/refine some of their QB elements, which is something I generally enjoy. Within 3 months, I've learned so much, and am looking forward to continue to learn more. I think you hit it on the head that to excel, you kind of have to understand how elements tie together + understand workflows + understand that you're building a program that has the structure baked in, and that's what this resource is really useful for.
Christine Kirk