The Shipping # is a unique number but it originates in the Shipping Log (Child Table) so I need a way to have it show in the related Purchasing Table record (Parent table)
The Shipping # is a unique number but it originates in the Shipping Log (Child Table) so I need a way to have it show in the related Purchasing Table record (Parent table)
Yes, there is only one Shipping Log Child per Purchasing Parent. The [Shipment #] is actually a text formula field listing the actual number with the Trucking Company ID code at the end.
List(\"\",(ToText([SN#])),[Contact - Code:])
Yes, there is only one Shipping Log Child per Purchasing Parent. The [Shipment #] is actually a text formula field listing the actual number with the Trucking Company ID code at the end.
List(\"\",(ToText([SN#])),[Contact - Code:])