Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
4 years agoIs there only one child shipping log per Parent Purchasing? Is The Shipping Log# a numeric or text field type?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Mark Shnier (YQC)
4 years agoQrew Cadet
Yes, there is only one Shipping Log Child per Purchasing Parent. The [Shipment #] is actually a text formula field listing the actual number with the Trucking Company ID code at the end.
List("",(ToText([SN#])),[Contact - Code:])
- MarkShnier__You4 years ago
Qrew Legend
OK, then you can make a Summary field on the relationship of type Combined Text Summary field. That will float up the text of the Shipment ID to the Parent Record. But the formula will be a multi-select text field type so make a formula field called [Shipment ID#] with a formula of
ToText([Combined Text Shipment ID#])
The use that in your Report link field configuration on the left side.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- ChrisSwirtz4 years agoQrew CadetPerfect, thank you!