Forum Discussion

HolliMills's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Using a relationship to join two tables.

I have two tables that I would like to join and then only show me the differences between the two tables. Basically, the two tables have all the same fields and have a lot of the same data. I get a new dataset each month that updates data for existing records and adds new records. 

Everything I can find points towards using a relationship to make the join. Would the table I intend to be the joined table be the parent table? How would I effectively identify the differences between the two tables and only display the records that are either new or updated? Is this possible in Quick Base? Or, would the most effective way be to join the two tables and MySQL and then upload the resulting dataset into Quick Base?

Holli Mills
  • Do any of the tables have a unique field which can be used as the key field?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • HolliMills's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Yes, there are a combination of text fields that I would like to use as the key field. However, I have to concatenate them in order to get the unique identity. And, I know that you can't set a formula field as a key field. I could concatenate in Excel before uploading into QB if that is necessary.

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        If you can set the Key field to be a unique Key buy changing your import process, then you can have a relationship where Table A is the Parent and joined to Table Based on a mirror formula field of the corresponding field in Table B. then look up all the fields from Table A to Table B.

        Then to the same relationship and looks in reverse.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)