Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • Is that an official native Quick Base function? I have never seen that one before - where is it being used?
  • in the technique "Scooby do and save"


      if (/nwr/i.test(querystring)) {

        $("<iframe>", {id: "QBU_editform", name: "QBU_editform"})
          .css({display: "none"})
          .on("load", function() {
            var rid = this.contentWindow.kRid;

            var markup = "";
            markup += "<h2>You just created a new record with [Record ID#] = " + rid + " !<h2>";
            markup += "<center><img src=&#039;' height='200'></center>";
              title: "Save and Scooby Doo!",
              modal: true,
              close: function(event, ui) {
                document.location.href = gReqDBID + "?a=er&rid=" + rid;
        $("form[name=editform]").prop({target: "QBU_editform"});

  • I believe its referring to native dialog box that is showed during the save action. If you take Dan's Demo as an example, which uses this code, after you hit "Save and Close" you'll notice that before the record reloads, it displays the dialog box. During this time, the page is in a frozen state of reloading and during the normal action of a page reload it shows a "Busy" Icon that normally says, "Saving...". Whenever Dan's calls QBbusyHide(), he is hiding that "Saving..." icon and shows the dialog box in its place.

    <div id="qbBusyDiv" style="width: auto; min-height: 0px; height: auto;" class="ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" scrolltop="0" scrollleft="0">
        <span class="BusyIcon"></span>
    <span id="qbBusySpan" class="FS-H1">Saving . . .</span>
  • hhersch's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Hi. One thing to note is that using these techniques is not supported by Quick Base. As we continue to improve our UI, use of these will likely cause breakage in your apps. Would you mind sharing the use case and/or problem you are trying to solve so we can help with some native methods?
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    If you run QBbusy() in the console you can see the element the other command is hiding.