Forum Discussion

AmirSohel's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

What is the default home page for a user with more than one role in a application?

Hi All,
Whenever I assign two different roles for a particular user(Access via Individual) the lower-priority role's home page is displayed as a home page for the user. I override the role between Admin and Viewer(The roles are QuickBase default roles, the permissions are also set as default, and admin is set as the default role for my application). But according to the QuickBase help guide, the higher priority role's home page should be displayed as a home page for the user. But when I override the lower priority role's home page is displayed as a home page for the user. What is the expected behavior here?   Reorder Role Priorities
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Reorder Role Priorities
Roles determine what a user can see and do inside an application. But what happens when roles collide? It's possible for a user to have multiple roles within the same application. For example, say a user belongs to two groups, and you've granted both groups access to your application but with different roles.
View this on Quickbase Help >

Amir Sohel
  • Did you follow the instructions and help that you posted as a link in your question?

    Did you drag and drop the sequence of your rules to set the priority? Priority is not based on who has the most permissions but rather which Roles are higher or lower on the list of Roles.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AmirSohel's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you

      Amir Sohel