Forum Discussion

AmberGartner's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Why does Grid Edit take me to a different report?

I created a new report. When I click "Grid Edit," instead of being the same report with the same columns in the same order, I'm taken to a completely different report. Any ideas why?

Thank you!!

Amber Gartner
  • Hi Amber,

    Are you referring to a 'form' instead of a report?   For forms you can specify which form you see when viewing, editing or grid-editing, so you could have it set wrong.  

    Jeff Peterson

    • AmberGartner's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      I didn't understand your response at first, but now that we've figured it out, I think you're exactly right -- there was a setting under the Form Rules where it says "Set how different roles use these forms," and the Grid Edit was set to a specific form rater than <standard behavior>. So we just changed back to standard behavior and all was well. :) Thank you!

      Amber Gartner