Forum Discussion

KimCameron2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
11 months ago

YR over YR Summary Report

I am stumped!  I am trying to make my current (basic) YOY report better.  I have several "clubs" and each of them have new enrollments, membership renewals, and cancellations.  I have not had a problem showing the basics, but this is where I am stumped...I would like for the cancellations to somehow reflect when received and also the original enrollment of that member.  Here is a brief example:

YR-2020 2020 2021 2022 2023
ASC Members 1082 0 0 0
ASC Renewals 0 489 235 191
ASC CXLs 73 2 0 0

So, I am showing all of the activity happening to the members originally enrolled in 2020.  I am able to get the individual components but not reflect back on the original year if that makes sense?  Or maybe I would need to do a summary report for each year and then pull from each of those to create a true year over year look?  If this has made sense to anyone, please let me know what you think.



Kim Cameron

  • How is your data for each 'event' setup? Do you have 1 record that tracks the enrollment date, renewal and cancellation all as one record - or is each a separate record like a 'log'? 

    Chayce Duncan
    • KimCameron2's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I have all of the member info entered into one table - [NAME] [CONTACT INFO] [MEMBERSHIP #] [ENROLLMENT DATE] [STATUS] and then I have a child table of all "transactions" - [DATE]  (enrollment, renewal, cancellation) (if applicable)  [COMMENTS].  The [STATUS] field changes according to the transactions.  Is this what you needed?

      Kim Cameron
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        So each 'event' is it's own record and unique timestamp correct? How are you grouping the summary report to currently report on your numbers? Are you using the [Date Created] or [Date] of when the event was recognized? Your data structure sounds like it's what you need where you can summarize the # of events by the date of the event and group by the type - can you explain a little more about what the specific issue is or provide a screenshot of the report settings? 

        Chayce Duncan