Forum Discussion

MidavaloMidaval's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Display current month and year on Exact Form

We have an Exact form, which is working well, but wish to add the current month and year onto the form.  This is the current date, not stored in a field.

So for this month I'd like it to say "May 2017" and next month automatically "June 2017".

I found some code in the Exact Form docs that prints the current date:
~=date = new Date();qdb.format(date.getTime()-(date.getTimezoneOffset()*60000), "date friendly")~
But I'm unsure how to modify this code to not display the days, just the month and year.  Is this possible?


1 Reply

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    An option is to make a formula text field, that displays the month / year, and just put that field on the form.