Saving or Uploading All Exact Forms
Hello, I'm working on an application that users must use to review and approve transactions on a weekly basis. All data for each locations weekly approval is captured on an exact form. We want to save all of these exact forms for compliance purposes, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to automate this process without having to go in and manually open up each of the 40+ exact forms and save as a PDF weekly. Thanks in advance for your solutions! ------------------------------ Kojo Acquaah ------------------------------7Views0likes2CommentsUsing HTML to size a QR Code from a Formula Rich Test field
I use QR Codes in almost all of my apps. Of course I found out how to do that here! But I can not seem to change the size for printing using exact form. Would it be possible to add HTML formatting in that formula rich text field to the change the size of that generated code or possibly in another formula rich text field that calls the QR Code field. PS I am not a coder and have very little experience with HTML. Thanks in advance! ------------------------------ Julie Meeker ------------------------------20Views0likes1CommentBarcode Printing
I am setting up Barcodes for some inventory tracking in our company, and am wondering if we need to buy a barcode printer that is compatible with a certain software? Is it as simple as using a Bluetooth connection to print the barcodes from a QuickBase table? Does anyone have suggestions on what has worked for them in the past? ------------------------------ Darian Vigil ------------------------------75Views0likes7CommentsExact Form Columns
I am attempting to create two columns on my exact form. I create the columns in the word document but, once I click "Save to Quickbase", it removes the columns I have created. Is this possible in exact forms? ------------------------------ Ross Chan ------------------------------6Views0likes0CommentsAuto-populating data for a record in a form
I am needing to know the best way for information to auto-populate for a record. Example: I am selecting driver name and all of his information is tied under the driver table but I want the demographics of the driver to auto-populate once the driver name has been selected. Is this possible and how do I go about doing it? ------------------------------ Kenisha Terry ------------------------------96Views0likes5CommentsAny way to identify addresses north or south of a given latitudinal line?
Random request -- we have two estimators, they each have their own territory. One has north and one has south of Route 64. I'm hoping for either of these two options to be possible.... 1. (my dream scenario) I have a given line of latitude (route 64) and when I enter a client's address, it deciphers whether it's north or south of that line of latitude and then displays an N or an S in the client's info. THAT would be absolutely amazing, although I'm not sure it's possible. 2. Have a map that has either a latitude line, route 64, or a drawn line on it, and when the client address is entered, it shows up on the map in relation to the line so we can see if it's north or south of it. That would be amazing too. If anybody has any ideas, I will dance for an hour straight. ------------------------------ Michael Brumfield ------------------------------17Views0likes5CommentsShining light on the copyParentChild-Select function
Can anyone shine any light on the copyParentChild-Select function? We have a URL button in a legacy application that I am trying to re-create in a new application. For the life of me I cannot get it to work in the new application even those the structure and usage is the same. (The old one works fine, and has for many many years.) Specifically, the main part of the code looks like this: (Note that I edited the table codes to table 1, 2, etc, for ease of readability) "javascript:void('" & URLRoot() &"db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dbpage&dbid=" & [_DBID_STAGING_TYPE] & "&pagename=copyParentChild-Select.html&onlyDBIDs=Table1.Table2.Table3&rid=" & URLEncode([Project Staging Type - Record ID#]) &"&dest=refresh&destrid=null&Table1-43=" & URLEncode([Staging ID]) & "&Table2-32=" & URLEncode([Staging ID]) & "&Table3-32=" & URLEncode([Staging ID]) & "&Table1-45=" & URLEncode(Today()) & "&Table1-44=" & URLEncode([Related Job]) & "&Table2-35=" & URLEncode(Today()) & "&Table2-33=" & URLEncode([Related Job]) & "&Table3-34=" & URLEncode(Today()) & "&Table3-32=" & URLEncode([Staging ID]) & "','copyRecursive','top=240,left=320,width=400,height=150,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no'))" Thanks guys and gals ------------------------------ John Ross ------------------------------15Views0likes2CommentsQuickBase Juiced Tech URL to generate document while the template and the URL field are in different applications
Hi community, I have a question about setting up a formula URL using Juiced Tech to generate a document in an application referring the template stored in another application. I used the code that usually works when the template and the generate button are in the same app, but I could not get it to work when referring the template in another application. Please see below codes and let me know how I can get it to work. Thanks in advance! "" & "clientid=W230" // Our company client id & "&appid=bq5nuxsac" // Application where the template is stored & "&tpdbid=" & [_DBID_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATES] // Target database ID where the templates are stored & "&tpid=19" //Template id & "&fn=Sales_Order" //The table that I want to generate the document & "&msid=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#]) & "&msdb=" & Dbid() & "&faid=132&efpdte=133" // File attachment and generated date fields & "&addfiles=" & "&docfmt=pdf&stream=y" & "&apptoken=d8v8cjiaafvwet546bc93xcsx7dam" // Application token to access the application that stores the template ------------------------------ Davy Ou ------------------------------15Views0likes1CommentExact Forms Customization & Report Columns
Hey Everyone, I have been trying (Keyword "Trying") to work with Exact Forms for one of my QB apps and have found that it's very customizable and fun to work with but has some limitations and can be very "clunky" for lack of a better work. particularly with column size and report customization. I wanted to know if you have any tips on how I can change the color of my column headers. The column headers are opaque when I go into the print form functionality. Please see image attached. GENERAL QUESTION: I'm using exact forms to generate PDFs to be be used outside of QuickBase as an easy to use email attachments for external clients/users. If the community has any experience or suggestions on how to optimize this out-of-the-box functionally it would be greatly appreciated! ------------------------------ Jack Woods ------------------------------30Views0likes5Comments