Forum Discussion

DarianVigil's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Barcode Printing

I am setting up Barcodes for some inventory tracking in our company, and am wondering if we need to buy a barcode printer that is compatible with a certain software? Is it as simple as using a Bluetooth connection to print the barcodes from a QuickBase table? Does anyone have suggestions on what has worked for them in the past?

Darian Vigil

7 Replies

  • Darian,

    Barcodes simply hold a string of numbers (QR codes have extra abilities, to hold other information like say, a URL).

    When you scan a bar code, all you are really doing is loading that string of numbers in a nice, simple and quick way. So, alternatively, instead of scanning the bar code you could, in theory, just hand type the number. Of course, the whole purpose of the scan is so that you save time and don't make mistakes.

    With that in mind, depending on your use case, it's likely you can get barcodes in whatever method works best. If you simply need a stack of randomized bar codes that are stickers, you can order those online or print yourself.

    If you have pre-entered numbers for each of your inventory items, you can decide - do I want my barcode to simply provide a number? Do I want it to be a website?

    I use QR codes, but ironically the ability for QuickBase to read barcodes was actually a red herring for me, as I don't use that feature. My QR codes are loaded with URLs that link to QB records. My field team uses their phone camera to scan the QR Code and get to the particular record.

    Not sure if this info helps, but maybe it sets you in the right direction.

    Mike Tamoush
    • DarianVigil's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Yes that is the plan for our team as well, we will be linking all QR codes to an inventory item so when they scan the QR code using their phone, it will pull up that item for them and they can make inventory adjustments as needed. 

      I think we got that part good to go, and are ready to order the label printer. However, I am wondering if we need to order one that supports a specific software. It looks like they need to be CSV compatible but has your team run into any other issues with the system you are using?

      Darian Vigil
      • MichaelTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        The inventory we track are actually large items outdoors, so we have our QR codes printed by a company that offers the printing on weather proof stickers, and metal tags, etc. So unfortunately I do not have any experience or advice on printing yourself.

        However, regarding the URL itself, there are two ways to go about it, that you should consider.

        1. URL references the record ID. This is nice and simple, but comes with some drawbacks. Your 'ID'  or 'Barcode Number' for each inventory item will essentially be the Record ID. For us, this was not good because when you scan the URL, anyone can put any random record ID in the URL to see other inventory items. I did not want people to be able to 'guess' other URLs. Also, using a record ID, if anything happens to that record (maybe you accidentely delete it), you have to change out any stickers in reference to the item (when you recreate it, it will have a new record id).  For us, another reason Record ID didn't work is our tags can fail over time in the elements and we have to put a new one on. That requires us ordering the same tag from the company (if you are printing your own, you avoid this).

        2. Alternatively you can make a key field. That is what I did - I have a random 6 digit alphanumeric code. My URL uses the key field instead. Solves all the problems above, but does have one very large drawback. Our inventory items have children (photos, inspection reports, etc). When I change out a QR tag to a new number, I go into my database and we can type in the new Alpha Numeric number there. Seems great, except that immediately orphans the children. I combat this with automations, but indeed it is a chunk of extra work.

        Mike Tamoush
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Just another tip for scanning bar codes on a Phone.  I had a client situation and ended up researching for smartphone apps which did bar code scanning.  The native camera will work but its not very good.

      The app I settled on was Kasperski QR Scanner.  It has a Green icon with a QR code and a red bar across the code.  I only mention that because when you go looking for apps in the ap store that scan QR codes there are many many of them.  Anyways, that app is totally amazing if you want to scan a QR code which picks up a URL to edit or display a Quickbase record. The app just grabs that QR code in a split second. Quite amazing.  I think it was Free.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach