Forum Discussion

ChrisChris's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
8 years ago

Re: Hover over a graphic in a column to briefly display a comment in hidden column.

Here is a sample of the code I use above. Danimal has a point. Sorry for my error there:

"<div style='display:inline'>\n<span style='background-color:red'><img src='/i/clear2x2.gif' height=12 width=5 title='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed' alt='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed'></span>\n<span style='background-color:red'><img src='/i/clear2x2.gif' height=12 width=5 title='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed' alt='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed'></span>\n<span style='background-color:red'><img src='/i/clear2x2.gif' height=12 width=5 title='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed' alt='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed'></span>\n<span style='background-color:red'><img src='/i/clear2x2.gif' height=12 width=5 title='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed' alt='"&Round([% SLA Severity Duration Proximation]*100,0.01)&"% of severity duration has passed'></span>\n</div>",

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