Forum Discussion

ChadBrandmire's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

Re: Row colorization based on multiple date ranges

If calculated finish day is <= 3 days away and duration is <=10 and %complete is < 50 then red, if < 70 then orange, if < 85 then yellow.

If calculated finish day is <= 10 days away and duration is <=30 and %complete is < 50 then red, if < 70 then orange, if < 85 then yellow.

If calculated finish day is <= 30 days away and duration is <=90 and %complete is < 50 then red, if < 70 then orange, if < 85 then yellow.

If calculated finish day is <= 35 days away and duration is >=91 and %complete is < 50 then red, if < 70 then orange, if < 85 then yellow.
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