Forum Discussion

Re: Price Change Problem

Are you able to change the way you do your pricing to utilize a relationship that can use the Snapshot feature of a field to capture the value of a Lookup field when a record is created?

When a quotation line item/record is created; and it is referencing a parent-record that stores the price, a numeric-field can capture the value of the lookup field that contains the current price and store that price as a permanent value within the record.

This is typically the standard way to handle this type of scenario.

If you need to continue using application variables you can consider ways to transfer the value of the unit price into a numeric-field when the records are being created; the choice of method you do this with will depend on how you are creating your quotations.  (i.e. Form Rules, QBActions, Webhooks, Automations).  All of these options come with some limitations and possibility of failure for one reason or another; which is why the snapshot of the lookup field is recommended for this type of requirement.
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