Forum Discussion

AnnaTamaoka's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Better Field Management


I have a table of 500+ fields. I was wondering if there was an easy way to categorize certain fields, maybe by adding a tag or a label, and then set role permissions based on the label instead of on the field.

For example, about 50 of my fields are "Finance" role related, and only people in the Finance role should see them. I started naming fields prefaced by "Finance" to make it easier to manage the "Custom Field Access" menu.

Doing it this way, I have to check the "Use Alternate Label Text" checkbox on my forms and reports and remove the "Finance" prefix to only display the column name I want.

Is there a way I can assign a label to each field to group like fields together? Similar to the "Category" option in the My Apps page, where you can group Apps together.

Anna Tamaoka
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