Forum Discussion

LilyKuang's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Automation Issue

Hi QB Community,

Playing around in the sandbox - linked 2 tables together, created an automation to log edits made by last modified user however when a user clicks one of the magic buttons - it shows the owner of the automation as the user who made the edit - not the actual user - any idea on how to correct this? ty

Lily K
  • Hi Lily,

    It's tough to know without knowing what the magic buttons are doing exactly. Can you provide more detail? And to be clear, are you doing this in the New Sandbox (currently in Early Access) or in the old sandbox?


    Chris Hutchens
    • LilyKuang's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hey Chris

      When I click the 'held' or 'converted' button, it'll change the status on the "Meeting" table and the change will be logged into the "History" table -- i'm playing around in "Tutorial: Getting to Know Quick Base

      Thanks for your help!

      Lily Kuang
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Lily,

        That is actually how Automations typically work, they log as the records being created/changed were done by the person who created the Automation. To give visibility in whose credentials permitted the change since an Automation can change records in ways that a specific user that triggers it might not have the permissions to do. In your instance you would want to create a separate User field on the table you are copying the data over to and call it something like "Automation Triggered By" or "Created By" and then add a line to your Automation to copy the Last Modified By field in your triggering record over to the new field in the record your Automation is creating. This way you will have a record of not just what the changes were but also the user who triggered them were. I hope that suggestion is helpful.

        Evan Martinez
        Community Marketing Manager
        Quick Base