Average Rating of last 4 inspections/entries.
Is there a formula that can be used in a summary report to show the average rating of only the last 4 entries of a given part number?
Current table is simple with 2 fields. A part number is selected through a relationship dropdown, then the selected part number is then given an inspection rating of 1, 2, or 3 based on inspection criteria, then saved.
I am attempting to setup the % of parts to inspect based on the average rating of the last 4 inspections. My issue lies in the fact that not all parts are delivered and inspected on the same schedule (i.e. weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly or biannually) so I am unable to use a time period to capture an equal rating across all parts. Without a formula that only captures the last 4 entries of a part number, I fear I will need to add and manage a dropdown of "delivery schedule" on 1000+ parts to allow filtering to capture the last 4 inspections completed. (or keep using the 15 spreadsheets that I currently track this information on)
Any suggestions or work arounds would be appreciated. Thank You.