Forum Discussion

RyanMcknight's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Avoiding duplicate contacts (unique field)


I have a contacts table.  This table is open to everyone on the internet (within my company that can get behind the firewall but don't have a QB license).

It has contact types for relationship-based internal company fields that come from an HR database table and external company employee contact types that must manually be entered
  • To show a single contact name and single contact email, I have a concatenate/text join formula field that uses an If statement and joins the last name, first name to give a consistent contact name when looking at the table and uses the internal email or the external email based on the type of contact
Problem:  I don't want users to be able to create duplicative contacts, which can be added from several different tables across different applications.  These contacts are related to a vendor table, projects table, etc (so we can associate contacts of all types with the different projects, vendors, and tasks across different applications). 
  • I can make the external email required to be unique, but it seems I cannot make the internal lookup email field unique, which would allow users to add duplicative internal contacts.  And I cannot make the text join formula or formula based email field a unique required field either--says either formula field is not compatible with the make unique requirements.
Ideas for how to easily make it impossible to add duplicative contacts to the table?

Thanks in advance!

Ryan Mcknight

1 Reply

  • When you try to make a formula field unique, among the types of formulas which will not be allowed us the use of lookups. The logic is that the formula has no control over the source of the lookup which could change and make the formula non unique. 

    But the field for [Related Parent] is allowed to be used in a formula. If there are different Parent Tables being used, then you could add characters to the numeric Related Parent to make then not conflict.  ie, if two different Parents in two tables  had the same Record ID. 

    Maybe that thought will help.

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