Forum Discussion

DennisKim's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Calendar Functions

Hello Everyone,

We've been using a standard template, and are looking for some more functionality. I've searched and can't find anything, and I'm hoping some seasoned vets can provide a little more expertise.

I'm looking for a function to track sales leads and activities, and display in a calendar follow up tasks. So for instance, the flow would be as follows:

1. New Sales activity
2. Select company info from database or input new customer
3. Current date
4. Follow up date field
5. Follow up task
6. Past follow ups
7. Notes

Then when you open a calendar, it is populated with the customer name and task on the date. You can click on the task and it would take you back to that activity for you to call the client, make notes, and input a new follow up task and / or date.

From what I can see, QB doesn't have a calendar.  Am I missing something here? I'd imagine it would be much simpler if QB had that function. I'm looking to avoid having to export to Outlook. 


Dennis Kim
  • Quick Base definitely has a native calendar report type.  day week month ..., and it supports color coding of the entries to help with readability.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
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