Forum Discussion

ClariceDennison's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Creating a Checklist


My team is moving towards defining projects by t-shirt size (s, m, l). I'd like to create a checklist for each sized project for the project owner. The applicable checklist would populate based on the size selected. I've read a few discussions about checklists. However, I'm starting from ground zero / not sure where the "checklist" settings are / how to create one. 

The initial thought was to create an automation (from a project) to populate a Task. However, if a checklist is an option, I'd like to go that route.

Thank you!

Clarice Dennison
  • You can set up a Table called T-Shirt Sizes (make three records)  with a child table of  Std T-Shirt Tasks.  One T-Shirt Size has many T-Shirt Size Tasks.

    Then you will have a relationship where One Project has Many Tasks.

    Then set up an Automation, that when a Project is Added, to copy the Std T-Shirt Tasks where the T-Shirt Size equals the T-Shirt size of the project (the Trigger record).  Be sure to map the Related Project to source from the [Record ID#] of the Trigger record so you don't create orphans.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • ClariceDennison's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Mark! It worked!

      Clarice Dennison