Forum Discussion

RyanStanford1's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Drop Down populated, value equals proxy field of related table, but isn't automatically updating

Trying to make a request form in an app. This involves airports, and I have an airport table that is related to the request table.

I have a drop down named [Airport Name] which can be selected... Ideally, I want when this dropdown is selected, it automatically populated the [Related Airport] field and creates the relationship.

I'm able to make it where the [Related Airport] is limited to just what matches [Airport Name] but it's not letting me just autopopulate.

8 Replies

  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    In the relationship interface where you pull lookup fields from the Parent relation into the Child relation -- in the Child relation ( the right side ) you should have [Airport Name] as the proxy for [Related Airport]. Then, from the Parent side ( left side ) pull in lookup fields to the Child side. 

    When you select Airport Name in the Request form, you can use the Record Picker option wherein you can specify three fields. One of them can be the ID# of the Airport Name ( Related Airport).

    Add the lookup fields to the Request form. When you select your Airport Name, the lookup fields will auto-populate if there is information in the Airport table's records to pull. 

  • I'm unable to do that, may be because the requests is the many in the one to many relationship.

    I have the name field from the airport table, [Airport - Name], as the proxy field of the [Related Airport].

    I've even tried a dynamic form rule that would theoretically make [Airport - Name] equal the value in [Airport Name] which is natively on the Request table.
  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Yes, the relationship goes like this: Airports >> have many >> Requests. 

    I'm a little confused about what it is you're not able to do. Can you elaborate on that some?
  • I think I figured it out somewhat... I think the reason I was attempting to make the [Airport Name] it's own field and update the lookup field [Airport - Name] is because when I try to just use the reference proxy field, it's using the standard record picker, instead of a drop down, even with me having it set to show as a drop down.
    • ChrisChris's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Okay, so in Requests table, Airport Name is piped in via the relation, it s not its own field. 
    • RyanStanford1's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      At the moment... I have both... Airport Name is its own field, but then there's Airport - Name which is piped in via the relation...

      really what I'm looking for is one of these fields working as a drop down, and when that field is populated, the relation is populated.
    • ChrisChris's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Delete the Airport Name field that stands alone in the Requests table. Use only the Airport Name "Relationship". The proxy field [Airport Name] will serve as your drop down list. In the Requests table, open the Related Airport field properties. Set Airport Name as its proxy. Then you can use Airport Name as the drop down list.