Forum Discussion

ClariceDennison's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Email Notification Not Working for One User


I have a notification set up on a checklist, where if a certain checkbox is checked, an email is generated. If I check the checkbox to generate the email, everyone listed to receive it, will receive it. However, if my colleague checks the checkbox (on her checklist), the email notifcation is not going out. 

This just started happening today. I've set up other notifications, and she has received those in the past.

Any suggestions on troubleshooting?

Thank you!

Clarice Dennison
  • Any chance that the user was put on the Deny List?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • ClariceDennison's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Not that I know of. I'm not familiar with the Deny List. Where is that located?

      Clarice Dennison
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        You can check if the user still has access to the app. One quick way is to do a test as user up at the top right.  if you get a message saying NO ACCEss then that is the problem.  They are either not invited to the app or else the Realm Admin has out then on the deny list.  The Realm admin at your company would be the one who turns off users, say when they leave the company. Its under the manage My Account link off the MY Apps opage.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
  • Hi Clarice,

    One that that can be helpful is to make sure that your user is in the same role in the app as the other users who are still receiving notifications. Also if you haven't already you can put in a support case with our technical support team and they can help you look into what might be happening in the case of your user and that notification. You can contact our technical support team from here in Community using the Support option that appears in the global navigation or when in Quickbase by clicking on the question mark icon in the navigation while you are in an app and selecting Manage Support Case. There are some tools on our side where they can see if it is something that is being held up on delivery or if it simply isn't triggering on the Quickbase side.

    Evan Martinez
    • ClariceDennison's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Evan! I will put in a ticket.

      Clarice Dennison
    • ClariceDennison's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Mark! Yes, I'm on the notification as well. If I do the checkmark process, we both receive the email. However, if she does the checkmark process, we both don't receive the email.

      Clarice Dennison