Forum Discussion

GaryBoyd's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Hide 'Sorting and grouping...' on More drop-list of a report

I am unable to suppress the 'Sorting and grouping' selection on the 'More' droplist at the top of all my reports. Clicking on it allows users to view field names which is a security issue, messy  and not necessary.

In roles, I have selected:
- Hide UI for creating or customizing reports
- Hide personal settings link
- In user interface, Hide UI for: all 6 options selected.


6 Replies

  • Hi Gary,

    Unfortunately in your instance there is not a specific UI component to toggle this option off and on for users. It is built in to allow for further Sorting and Grouping. However, it should only be populating that dropdown that appears with fields that the specific user has field access to. Any field where they are set to permissions of none should not appear in that list. This does mean they might see fields they have access to but aren't on the typical forms and reports they can use but they will not see the name of fields they have been given permissions of none for. I hope this information is helpful Gary. 
  • Using your favorite script injection technique you can remove that option with one line of code:
    Likewise you can remove other options in that menu by specifying the appropriate id:

    But don't stop there - you can likewise add your own options to that menu.
  • GaryBoyd's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks Dan - for this and you obviously provide a lot of help on functionality when you search other posts also. Have not had time to try yet.

    Would be good to consider, if you restrict field role permissions to none, do the formulas for users relying on info from those fields fail?
    • TreySmith1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I understand that this post is old, but for those browsing this is correct. Any fields that a user is restricted access to will affect how the user sees other fields, reports, formulas, etc that use this field. A good practice before restricting field access would be to check the fields usage, allowing you to see what things will be affected by limiting the user's access to said field.

      To do so, you'll just need to go to the field's settings, then click on the 'usage' tab in the upper left of the screen.
  • GaryBoyd's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Hi Dan - trying to use chrome to find elements and it is really worthwhile.
    This did not work & I could not find A1 in the source code.

    This partially works - pressing 'More' button does nothing, however the 'More' button still shows above the report.

    More button clicks and shows no options
    • DevanshSheth's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi Gary,

      This sounds like a great option to hide the 'sorting and grouping' UI. Could you please suggest a method to inject script for a table report?



      Devansh Sheth