Forum Discussion

RedwoodKardon's avatar
Qrew Trainee
11 years ago

how do I upload photographs to quickbase

17 Replies

  • With script you can modify the standard file attachment field's markup to select through the device's camera: by adding accept and capture attributes
    <input type="file" size="40" name="_fid_6" id="_fid_6"> 
    <input type="file" size="40" name="_fid_6" id="_fid_6" accept="image/*" capture="camera">
    Once an image is selected you can also arrange to display the photo while proceeding to fill out the remainder of the form. This customization option is in addition to or substitution of whatever native mechanism is on a mobile device and it should also work from a desktop with installed cameras.

    What is even more interesting is that using a Service Worker you can mod the QuickBase form builder to add this option to your File Attachment field. Maybe like this:

    Feel free to contact me off-world usning the information in my profile if you need assistance implementing this type of feature:
  • Hey I created this demo you might be interested in which displays a photo preview after selecting a photo through the file selector. Here is a screenshot of me selecting one of the cover photos from for the QuickBase Techniques books I authored:

    Photo Preview ~ Add New Record

    Pastie Database


    (1) In the script I removed the buttons that would save the record so you nobody junks up my application with cat photos.

    (2)_Feel free to attempt to upload and preview your photo

    (3) Yes it is possible to resize, rotate or otherwise edit the photo prior to submitting the form..

    (4) Inspiration from here:

    Be The Bike!