Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
5 years agoThis part of your code look wonky.
URLRoot()&"up/" & Dbid () & "?a=q&qid=9" & [Record ID#]
But separately. Are you using the technique from Kick Tracky's magic buttons app?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
URLRoot()&"up/" & Dbid () & "?a=q&qid=9" & [Record ID#]
But separately. Are you using the technique from Kick Tracky's magic buttons app?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
5 years agoQrew Trainee
Yeah that's where I got the code was from the Magic Buttons app. including the URLRoot()&up/" &Dbid()
Alex Bennett
Alex Bennett
- MarkShnier__You5 years ago
Qrew Legend
But that URLis invalid. Is this an <ask the user> report?
Maybe its supposed to be
URLRoot()&"up/" & Dbid () & "?a=q&qid=9&nv=1&v0=" & [Record ID#]
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
------------------------------- AlexBennett35 years agoQrew TraineeOk so upon further changes I'm noticing that it's actually my URL field [Timeline Report iframe URL] that includes the URL. for some reason I add the URL as the default value and even when I click view sample data nothing appears. but If i don't use that field, and just post the URL directly to the formula I get better (not desired) results. shows the table page, but for some reason not the actual report the URL is supposed to go to.
Alex Bennett
------------------------------- AlexBennett35 years agoQrew TraineeI was able to get the Report to display now, I'm just not sure where to include the &ifv=1 to remove the header, and how to dial down to only show the specific job I'm on
Alex Bennett