Forum Discussion

ChristopherChri's avatar
Qrew Member
9 years ago

Is there a way to disable my printer dialogue box from appear when clicking the 'Print' option on a chart?

I'm trying to embed a chart in another webpage. I would be able to do via the 'print' link on a Quickbase chart except that my printer dialogue box opens whenever it loads. Is there a url modification or something I could do to disable this? Thank you!


2 Replies

  • Instead of embedding the print URL for the chart embed a user defined page named EmbedTest.html - for example:

    Then paste the markup in this user defined page into EmbedTest.html:

    Pastie Database

    You will need to substitute YOURDOMAIN and YOURDBID as well as adjust the mumbo jumbo at the end of the print URL (eg ?a=q&qid=1&dlta=pr~fl6.

    Please let us know if it works and the date, time and location of the celebration party.

    BTW, you can use this same technique on any QuickBase url and the script can do other things like remove other "chrome" that is on the page including navigation, buttons and branding that you don't want to expose in the iframe.
  • It will be better to visit and consult with epson error code 0xf4 to get the entire guidance regarding how to disable the printer dialog box on your system. It will help you a lot in this regarding.