Forum Discussion

AlexandraAlexan's avatar
Qrew Member
11 years ago

Is there a way to password protect a page?

I have a page in an app that I would like to password protect. The password would not need to be unique to visitors, just something that everyone knows and uses to access that page. Does anyone know an easy way to set this up? Thanks ahead for your help!

  • OK, so for my app, I actually set it up with a hidden table of users.  There is a button on the dashboard that the user clicks (It is actually on a mini report as I needed to use formuals), which either takes the user to their own userid record on a table of users (in edit mode), or else creates a userid record on a hidden table of users.

    That way each individual user sets their own timer.  I have a relationship to my details table based on a reference field of [Current User]  -  formula of 
  • KellyBianchi's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    As I think about it, it's really something only Quickbase will be able to resolve in a feature. The users are already logged in, and everyone logged in is allowed to see the dashboard. However, the URL could be exposed. It's not really private information that would violate any of our company's compliance policies, but it would be a great enhancement to the product. They could further enhance it with your 'temporary password' scenario. Thank you for your suggestions!
  • Well, the URL can always be accessed if the page is open to EOTI, sort of regardless.

    But to the OP's 4-year-old use case, if the page to 'protect' is a report, there's a very easy trick - add a 'filter' field to your table, set it to a certain value by default, and direct the user to a report page that's filtered by that field. They have to enter the 'password' as the filter to be able to view matching records (which are all of them).