Forum Discussion

KristyWilliford's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

is there a way to remove the last line of total and average.I also want to eliminate 0 if shown in a report

5 Replies

  • I assume that you mean on table reports?  The feature of it a column shows totals or averages is set on each of the field's field properties on the report.

    As for the zeros, are these summary totals showing off a relationship?  If so, then  you can adjust the summary fields to not include children with zero values.
    • KristyWilliford's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Hi mark the second solution worked like a charm.But the first one is complicated.As I do not want the totals on the whole.Because logically there is no 300% 
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      If you have a field for a percentage, you know that it does not make sense to total but Quick Base does not.  So adjust he field properties for that field and tell it not to show totals (uncheck the box).
    • KristyWilliford's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      hi mark thank you.I am looking for a report to be displayed like this.Is this achievable