Forum Discussion

MattMakris's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

List unique parent record counts in child table Summary Report

I have a Clients table (parent) and a Products table (child). I am trying to list how many Clients  records are related to records in the Products table. The `Product Name` from the Products (child) table is the primary dimension in the report. The metric is `# of Clients` associated with each Product Name. Some Client records are associated with more than one product, which is showing up in the `# of Clients` value. 

Is it possible for the `# of Clients` value to reflect the number of unique client records, rather than counting a client 2+ times in the event that Client record has more than one Product record association?


Matt Makris
  • I figured it out with help from ChatGPT. Apparently it has been trained on all Quickbase user guides and API guides.

    Solution: Rather than summarizing `# of Clients`, I summarized the `Related Client` record ID field and set 'Summarize by' to "Distinct Count".

    Matt Makris
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      Impressive use of Chat GPT.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BrianSeymour's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Nice solution via ChatGPT! Using Distinct Count via a Summary seems like the way to go here since the relationship exists between the records (vs. Formula Queries).

      Brian Seymour