Forum Discussion

MattHardy1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Many-to-Many Help

I need to use a many-to-many relationship between a PO table and Invoice table. I have the relationship setup but I'm hoping to find a way to simplify the data entry.

For the most part, these relationships are 1-to-1 but we have rare occasions where it can be 1-to-many in either direction, hence my reason for many-to-many. Is it possible to have a button on the PO form to create a new invoice and link everything through the intermediate table without the user needing to select the PO and Invoice?

Matt Hardy
  • It should be possible to launch off a report of pos due to be invoiced.  Click on a Po into an Add Invoice form with certain fields pre populated, perhaps such as Customer.

    then leverage the SaveBeforeNavigating syntax to save the record and enable passing the newly created Record ID# into a URL for,ulna button to create the intermediate join record and land the user back in the original report of Pos to be invoiced, which would nit have 1 fewer records on the report.

    it would probably take a 1.5 hour paid consulting zoom call to get this working quickly, or else depending on your familiarity with creating URL formula buttons we could work through it slowly in this forum.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MattHardy1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks Mark. I'll probably take you up on the consulting offer as soon as I can find the time for it. Too busy the next few weeks.

      Matt Hardy