Forum Discussion

CarolMcconnell's avatar
Qrew Captain
10 months ago

Many to Many relationship I think

I have two tables.  One is a work record table and the other is a provider table.  I want to create a work record and pick the providers on the provider table that are associated with that work record.  There may be multiple work records that are associated to the same provider on the provider table.  How should I set this one up?

Carol Mcconnell

19 Replies

  • Hi, my sugestion for many to may is use a 3 tables.Look the diagram whit my proposal for best thinks and ideas.

    Marcelo Benavides

    Marcelo Benavides
    • CarolMcconnell's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I've seen the many to many diagrams but I'm not understanding how that would work in my case.  

      Carol Mcconnell
    • CarolMcconnell's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      My work records will be created daily and each time a work record is created, I need to pick which provider record is associated to that work record.

      Carol Mcconnell
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Does each work record have more than one provider associated to it? If it it just one provider specific to that work record then you can get away with making Providers the Parent in a relationship to Work Records. 

        If there are multiple providers - then the intermediary table is needed - and the best setup is to make the relationship and then put an embedded grid-edit report of your work-providers on your Work Form so that users can grid edit/select which providers are needed that way. 

        Chayce Duncan