Forum Discussion

SandraleeOster's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Need help with relationships

Hi I need help to finish configuring my database
The Details:

Each goal has many metrics

Each metric has many supporting documentations


I have a many to many table setup for this relationship (Supporting Documentation)


Each business owner has to review their supporting documentation every quarter.  I have this setup in the Document review table


Where I am stuck: Once all the documents are reviewed for each metric, They now have to say if the metric for the quarter was met based on the documentations that was reviewed.  Once that is completed, they now have to state whether or not the Goal was met for the quarter based on the metrics.


I have created additional tables (metric and goal reviews but I can't seem to tie it all together)

This is the outcome I need:


Goal 1

  1. Metric 1
    1. Supporting doc 1
    2. Supporting doc 2
  2. Metric 2
    1. Supporting Doc 1
    2. Supporting Doc 2


Review quarter 1

Metric 1 Supporting doc 1 -Met goal

Metric 1 Supporting Doc 2- Met Goal

Met 1 overall – Met Goal

Metric 2 Supporting Doc 1- met goal

Metric 2 Supporting Doc 2 – Met goal

Metric 2 Overall – Met goal

Overall Goal- Met

Review Quarter 2

Metric 1 Supporting doc 1 -Met goal

Metric 1 Supporting Doc 2- Met Goal

Met 1 overall – Met Goal

Metric 2 Supporting Doc 1- met goal

Metric 2 Supporting Doc 2 – Met goal

Metric 2 Overall – Met goal

Overall Goal- Met

Etc. for quarter 3 and quarter 4


Can you please help me?

Sandralee Oster
  • I will try to help you but first I'm trying to simplify your question.

    You have these two Relationships

    Goal < Metrics < Many Docs
    ie one Goal has many Metrics and One Metric has many Docs. (Supporting Documents) 

    Can you confirm that those are your two relationships and also explain what the problem is?

    Are you trying to automate the calculation of whether a Metric was achieved by if all of the supporting documents were achieved and likewise are you trying to auto calculate whether a goal was retrieved based on whether all of its metrics were achieved?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • SandraleeOster's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Mark,

      The relationships are correct.  I also have a relationship in the document review table where document review > Supporting documentation.

      Sorry I should have explained what I am needing better. I need help in creating all the relationships to tie the supporting document reviews to the metrics and those metrics to tie in with the goals.  I don't need it to calculate the goal automatically as the manager wants to do this manually.    Once the supporting documents for each metric has been reviewed by the business owners, the manager needs to then give an overall rating on the metrics based on all of the supporting documentation.  Then once he has the ratings for all the metrics that are related to the goal, he has to do another rating for the goal.

      Sandralee Oster
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        if you gave the relationships in place then this is done

        I need help in creating all the relationships to tie the supporting document reviews to the metrics and those metrics to tie in with the goals. 

        Are you in fact asking how to show the various embedded child tables on the higher level parent forms?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)