8 months agoQrew Cadet
Pipeline Help - Aggragating Date Fields by Month
I need assistance with setting up a pipeline in my Quickbase app to aggregate data by month. This will be the first time I've used pipelines.
The tables involved are called:
- APP Credentialing Table: This table contains the raw data I need to aggregate. Namely, 3 date fields.
- APP Date Summary Table: This table is where I want to update the aggregated counts. It has 2 fields. Month/Year (text) and Count (Numeric).
Specifically, I need to:
- Retrieve and filter records from the APP Credentialing Table.
- Group these records by Month/Year and count them.
- Update the APP Date Summary Table with the aggregated monthly counts.
Could you please provide guidance on how to configure the pipeline to perform these tasks? If this even can work.
Thank you!