Forum Discussion

MichaelMalchio1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Pipeline to automate ingestion of CSV

Hi we have several files csv files on our network which we need to automatically ingest into different tables in quickbase.  I have reviewed pipelines and believe this is the way to go.  The problem is the only examples are utilizing box, dropbox etc.  How do we simply ingest a file from a shared drive on our network into quickbase using automations.

Any help is appreciated.

Michael Malchiodi
  • I believe you can only automate the import of a csv using the Sync Table, which as you mention utilize Dropbpx, SFTP, etc.

    You can also import if it is emailed using @Juiced Technologies. Check with Juiced to see what other options they have (perhaps they have other options besides in email). They have really been expanding and upgrading all of their add-ons lately, and I highly recommend them.

    Mike Tamoush
    • KeithJusas's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thanks for that Mike!

      We have a few options:
      1. You can email the csv file(s)
      2. You can simply upload the file to a file attachment field in Quickbase and when you click save our EZ File Importer will be triggered to import the data into the table(s)

      Keith Jusas