Forum Discussion

MikeBrady's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Save and display message on iframe form

Hi, I am getting back to using Quickbase after a few years away.  We have an intranet hosted in our Microsoft 365 sharepoint that I have used iframe to embed an add record page from our Quickbase.  The form displays correctly, and I am able to add a record.  But, when the user submits the form, I'd like to either display a simple message telling them the record has been submitted, OR I'd like to just have the form reload allowing them to enter another record.  I've messed around a little bit with using a URL formula displayed as a button, but I can seem to get it right.  Right now when the user clicks to submit, the record saves, and then I get just white space.  If I try the same URL in a browser that I am using in my iframe, I get a blank page as well, and the url that shows in the address bar is 

I have the setting turned ON to save parent when editing child, and have the button setup with the same URL as the iframe URL. My thought on this was that clicking that link will save the record (which it does) and land me back at an add record page (which it does not).

Mike Brady
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